



suzuken/retry https://github.com/suzuken/retry

-> % retry
Usage: retry <command>

  -initialInterval int
        retry interval(s) (default 1)
  -maxElapsedTime int
        Max Elapsed Time(s) is limit of backoff steps. If the job spends over this, job makes stopped. If set 0, the job will never stop. (default 10000)
  -maxInterval int
        cap of retry interval(s) (default 1000)

retry を頭につければよしなにリトライしてくれる。

-> % retry command_not_found fake
2015/08/26 19:53:28 err: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH
2015/08/26 19:53:29 err: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH
2015/08/26 19:53:31 err: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH


$ retry -initialInterval=2 -maxElapsedTime=8 command_not_found
2015/08/26 16:57:37 err: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH
2015/08/26 16:57:39 err: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH
2015/08/26 16:57:43 err: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH
2015/08/26 16:57:49 err: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH
operation failed: exec: "command_not_found": executable file not found in $PATH
